PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point)
An entity responsible for receiving 9-1-1 calls and processing those calls according to a specific operational policy. Variations:
- Primary PSAP: A PSAP to which 9-1-1 calls are routed directly from the 9-1-1 Control Office.
- Secondary PSAP: A PSAP to which 9-1-1 calls are transferred from a Primary PSAP.
- Alternate PSAP: A PSAP designated to receive calls when the primary PSAP is unable to do so.
- Consolidated PSAP: A facility where multiple Public Safety Agencies choose to operate as a single 9-1-1 entity.
- Legacy PSAP: A PSAP that cannot process calls received via i3-defined call interfaces (IP-based calls) and still requires the use of CAMA or ISDN trunk technology for delivery of 9-1-1 emergency calls.
- Serving PSAP: The PSAP to which a call would normally be routed.
- NG9-1-1 PSAP: This term is used to denote a PSAP capable of processing calls and accessing data services as defined in NENA’s i3 specification, NENA NENA-STA-010, and referred to therein as an “i3 PSAP”.